Sunday, November 5, 2023

Project Ur'ulme'


What is Ur'ulme'?

Project Ur'ulme' is a work in progress project (hobby level) that I came up with while serving in Iraq. It morphed quite a few times from a table-top RPG to a video game, then into an MMORPG, then a novel was added, which became a novel series, and additional book concepts.

The premise is a Quantum Fiction story designed to explore different ideas on reality, asking age old questions like, "What is the meaning of life?", and attempting to apply explanations through critical thinking. (or at least attempt to get players/ readers to use critical thinking skills to further explore these ideas.)

The project was a hobby idea that turned into a business idea, and is now relegated to a hobby again with no anticipation of growth beyond a hobby. I will put the core concepts behind my story, in hopes it will garner support.

I will not ask for money. I will not ask for help. I do all of my own research to create the back-story and will design a table-top game first. Once the table-top game is designed, companion texts will be added, so potential players will have some guidance on the story arch. The game will be free to use by anyone. Any fan fiction or game modifications are acceptable by players, however will not be accepted as cannon or core game mechanics (similar to how games allow mods, but are not part of the vanilla game).

As I complete steps, I will post here, so be sure to like and subscribe for release notes.


Kenneth Sweeney
Creator of Ur'ulme'

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